Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Flea Market Fun: Searsport Maine

 Traveling along Route 1, through the midcoast region of Maine, just north of Belfast (a very cool little coastal town worth a stop, but that’s another post . . ) there’s the town of Searsport.  They have an island (Sears Island) and a funky little downtown with one of the Grasshopper Shop locations (a really great FUN store).  Further on, you’ll find a peppering of antique shops and a craft consignment store.  It’s a nice part of the drive.

The reason I’m writing about this today is that I was recently looking through my photo archive for some images from a couple of years ago.  I came across some that I took one day that I went to Searsport’s flea markets.  Fun, quirky, nostalgic – if you have time to look around you’ve got to check it out.  Go with friends who like a good laugh or have an eye for value. 

Here are some of the photos from one of the trips I took:

Not exactly sure what these are but I liked the light.

There’s some true creativity living here!

Enlarge these to read the detail.  It's hilarious!

I had these as a child!!  Brought back memories! I also remember a farm with barnyard animals and a barn door that mooed. 

Ah the Fisher Price house . . . doorbell rang and everything!

I think we had this .  . but didn't play with it much.  Telling isn't it?

I’m not sure what it takes to collect all of these bottles (other than a permanent spot at the flea market!) but they did look pretty cool in the sunlight.

I loved the signs.  I’ve got a thing for signs.

I liked "my cow or your cow" in the top sign.

Do you see these things on Antiques Roadhouse?

Other neat stuff . .

Thought you might enjoy this little trip to Searsport and the flea markets.


  1. Fun blog! I love flea markets and old stuff. If I had the room I'd have quite the collection of pretty colored bottles too!

  2. Thanks Maureen! I'm glad you like the blog. When the light hits that glass just right, it's a thing of beauty.
