I’m deep into the bookkeeping part of the year, when I get everything together for the taxes, and when my creative side is put on hold, acting like a restless child waiting its turn.
The Boy "Buzzer" |
It’s also cold. Winter in Maine, even this year with very little snow and some mild days, is drab, gray, and seemingly endless. And with the cold, drab, grayness (especially the cold) my outdoor exposure is made up of a house to car to office to car to house routine. No lingering near the lilies in the driveway. No taking the long way. This is the worst time of year for me. January. February. At least March has some promise – the first day of spring, moving the clocks ahead.
Because so many of my best photographs have been the result of having my camera with me and being at the right place at one of those times and taking a few shots usually outdoors, I haven’t photographed much lately.
What have I photographed?
Maine Coon kittens.
We got kittens. Two. A male and a female. The male’s name is Buzzer and the female’s name is Bella. This is what has been in my viewfinder for the past month or so.
My daughter and the kittens. |
One of these days I’m going to set up a set with some props and get them to act cute for the camera so I can take some shots to sell to the greeting card people. For now, this is it.
Keeping me company while I work. |
A little background on the Maine Coon: there is only speculation about the Maine Coon’s origins. Some say that somewhere back a couple of hundred years ago a cat mated with a raccoon (highly unlikely if you ask me) and on down the generations and here we are.
Hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. |
Another story says that Marie Antoinette was preparing to flee France and had her prized possessions loaded onto a ship, including 6 of her Persian cats. The ship set sail without Marie (you might know what held her up) and landed in Wiscasset Maine. Cats bound out of their confines and into the arms of the local feline population and here we are. I like that story best.
We really don't need to buy cat toys. Boxes work just fine. |
Whatever the true history of the Maine Coon cat, it seems that several personality traits are constant. One is their gregarious nature. They want to be with their people, hanging out on the couch, near my desk, on our bed. They’re like dogs in cat’s bodies. They’re not the kind of cats that scurry away in fear when people come around. No, they want to “help”.
Searched all over before finding them here on New Year's Eve. |
They’re also very vocal, “chirpy” even, and communicate with each other and with us pretty darn well. Maine Coons are the biggest breed of cats, with the record for the longest cat held by
“Stewie” a Maine Coon measuring out at 48.5 inches from tip of the nose to end of tail back in August of 2010.
Just so sweet. |
We got them from
Coldstream Cattery in Enfield, Maine. Marie, the breeder, had two litters available at that time. My daughter and I went to see them, not sure if we were going to get one, but knew if we did it was going to be a surprise for my husband and it had to be a male. We were set on a brown tabby male and there were quiet a few to choose from, but so hard to do when they're so young. Something we didn't expect was to fall for one of the two silver females. Both were so alert and absolutely beautiful. One our second visit, we decided on one of the brown males, mostly because he just kept coming back around us and didn't seem afraid. The fact that he was completely adorable made it even easier. When we met Marie to pick up the kittens just after Christmas, they had already been vet checked and had their first shots. Our vet recently confirmed their health and complimented on their appearance.
Blanketed in kittens. |
Bella is a silver tabby and Buzzer is a brown tabby. Our kittens are true to their breed, in temperament and personality. Bella doesn't like to be picked up but does like to ride around on your shoulders. She's the more vocal of the two; very chirpy and meows very loudly whenever I get near their food bowl, clearly asking for more (though there's usually plenty of food.) She favors my husband, having found the perfect spot on his lap from her first days here. Her preferred place on our bed is right up near his head on the pillows. Bella purrs easily, instapurr we call it.
Bella, the gray tabby Maine Coon kitten, snoozing on the couch. |
Buzzer was nameless for some time while we debated and tested names. With my daughter just having finished the Twilight series, she named Bella. I did not allow the male to be Edward or Jacob. Not happening. I gave the naming rights to the boy to my husband. The cat we lost (and still miss) was named Ocho. We tried out a lot of different names that were similar to that but in the end, he went with Buzzer, trying to find something that went with Bella (a bell and a buzzer . . . yeah, I'm not that good with it either). My daughter and I liked "Taco" like Taco & Bella.
Buzz in the best spot in the house; back of the couch in front of the fire. Smart cat. |
So, Buzz is sweet. He comes trotting out when I get home, tail up, purring and happy to see me. He virtually jumps us and is in our faces rubbing his face against us and then just flops with an audible thud. He's very lovey. We like that in a cat.
Sleeping near the window in my office. |
Together they've brought new life to the house. It was way too quiet without a cat around. With all of these cute kitty photo opps, I say it's no wonder I haven't looked beyond. Well, okay, that's a lame excuse for not photographing more in the winter. Or writing more blog posts . . .
Buzz, in my "in" box. |
Hi My name is Lisa and i was admiring your photos as I was searching Cold Stream Cattery trying to find a picture of one of the kittens from them. I found your site and saw that you recently purchased your kittens from Maria around the same time as us and am wondering if you have one of our kittens siblings!! We got the dark tabby from Raja and Mandy's litter! Are you of yours fromt hat litter? Lisa
ReplyDeleteHi Celeste,
ReplyDeleteHow are you maine coons doing? Do you have any new pics of them all grown up?? :-) They look super cute.
I actually got in contact with the cattery Coldstream, and would love to have your impressions on them! I live to far away from the cattery to actually go visit, so your external point of view would be really valuable for me!
Thanks so much!
ps: i can be reached at naila.bassin@gmail.com